P. Veerabhadra Naika
P. Veerabhadranaika has a post-graduate degree in gender studies and a doctorate in sociology from Mysore University. He has worked on elementary education, rights-based development, and in organising youth. He has conducted indepth studies on ashramshalas in Chamarajanagar district and has engaged in advocacy work related to improving education among tribals/adivasis. His areas of interest are critical development, rural sociology, and educational studies.

P.Srinivas (‘Soil Vasu’)
P. Srinivas alias Vasu or ‘Soil Vasu’ is the founder of SOIL, a trust for caring for, protecting and rebuilding soil health. He has worked in various parts of Karnataka with a focus on promoting sustainable agriculture. He is especially concerned about the state of soils in India and has developed several teaching and demonstration modules related to issues around soil. An expert teacher with pedagogies that draw on humour, songs, poetry and in-depth knowledge of local and scientific practices, Vasu is a well-known resource person for issues related to soil/land, crops, organic manure, and seed conservation.
At PUNARCHITH he teaches the module on sustainable agriculture and has helped set up demonstration plots for youth learners.

H. Muthuraju
H.MUTHURAJU has a Master’s in Biology from Kuvempu University, Shivamogga. He has earlier worked as a head master in a private school and as a member of the BAIF team, Yelandur. His areas of interest are sustainable agriculture, horticulture, and land restoration. He is also a keen computer and camera enthusiast.
At PUNARCHITH he anchors work at the Angarike Maala land and its restoration. He also takes sessions on agriculture during the ILP course.

Suma Hanumantaiah
H. Suma has training in finance and has worked with Reuters and then at Ernst and Young (Bengaluru) for twelve years. Her deep interest in ecological issues and social concerns led her to quit her job and she currently divides her time between VANASTREE and PUNARCHITH.
At PUNARCHITH, she is in charge of accounts and also takes the sessions on accounts for the ‘Integrated Learning Programme’. Her pedagogies for accounts include enabling youth to choose options, make decisions, and critically assess their expenditure patterns. A keen naturalist, she also enjoys working on the land and home garden.

Team member
Sundramma has recently joined the Punarchith team and will be in-charge of the outreach and community activities. She has a B.A degree and around twelve years of experience working in Mahila Samakya. A keen observer and gentle persuader, she enjoys motivating women and children and conducting workshops.

Mahendra N
Team member
Mahendra has completed his Pre-University course in arts but his heart lies in activities related to ecology and agriculture. An alumnus of the ILP programme, he has joined Punarchith as an intern and trainee. He enjoys working on the land and is a keen photographer.

B. Vasantha Kumari
Team member
Vasantha is a resident of Nagavalli and a mother of two children who are studying to be professionals. A hard-worker, she supports PUNARCHITH by running the kitchen and is also an active member of Honneru: The Rural Collective.

Team member
Shaila takes care of Punarchith’s learning centre and its maintenance. She also doubles up as a stand-by cook and is now learning to make snacks and food items as part of Honneru production team.

Manuja Priya
Team member
Manuja Priya is an alumnus of the ILP course. With B.A. and B.Ed degrees she is a keen participant in all our programmes and currently anchors the children’s programme and the HONNERU: Rural Collective and its activities. A mother of two, she commutes from the village of Siddhaiyanapura to Nagavalli.

Chandrakantha B.R
Team member
Chandrakantha B.R is a multi-faceted person who combines an interest in agriculture, music, and computers. He will be coordinating the marketing aspects of HONNERU: the rural producers’ collective and also providing music and performance arts support to the team.

Sajan PK
Team member
Sajan PK is a communications professional based in Bengaluru. A former journalist and a television producer, he has over 25 years of experience across media, academia and the IT sector, the longest of which was in corporate communications, working with Infosys, HP and Verizon. In 2020, he left Verizon, a global telecom MNC where he was the head of Communications & CSR for India, and transitioned to the social sector with a commitment to the causes of climate action, gender justice and rural empowerment. At Punarchit, he supports communications and outreach. He is also a visiting faculty member at St. Joseph’s University.

Shraddha Kukkuje
Team member
Shraddha Kukkuje is a consultant for Honneru and is working to enhance the organization, production and sales of Honneru products. Shraddha has a master’s degree in Social Work from Christ University, Bengaluru, and is interested in social entrepreneurship and community livelihoods. She is a keen slow traveler who also enjoys living in quaint villages and immersing herself in new cultures.